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Why Your Business Needs a Plan: The Importance of Continuity in 2022

If some of the more popular buzzwords of the past two years were “flexible work” and “hybrid business”, 2022’s might be more along the lines of “consistency” and “continuity”.

Going into a third year of upheaval isn’t appealing and so smart businesses are creating plans to offer a less disrupted service and process, to clients and staff, when the unexpected happens.

But what is a business continuity plan? Does your business even need one? And if the answer is a categorical yes, how do you go about implementing something that will help your business thrive in the next 12 months and beyond, no matter what happens?

What is a Business Continuity Plan?

A business continuity plan (BCP) is a strategic step-by-step guide outlining specific details and actions a business will take to keep essential operations functioning in the event of a disaster, and a post-disaster recovery plan that outlines how to get everything back to normal.

While the pandemic might spring to mind when we talk about disruptions to business, a disaster can be anything that threatens the ongoing running of your company, such as a fire, a severe weather event, or a cyberattack.

How Does a BCP Benefit My Business?

As well as providing some peace of mind to all staffers who have lived through previous disruptions to operations, a BCP has other benefits. Businesses are able to identify areas of operational weakness and security limitations that might be leaving the business open to attack, and rethink and redesign outdated processes. It also encourages businesses to ensure all regulations and security measures are up to date.

What should a BCP include?

Although the outcomes will be different for all businesses and will be affected by things like type of industry, service and even location, a basic BCP should always include a summary with clear objectives and contacts as well as risk management, disaster and recovery plans.

It can take time to create a comprehensive BCP, but you and your business will never regret it. We can help you create a BCP that is specific to your business needs and ensure your company and staff can keep working even if disaster strikes.

If you would like to know more about the importance of a business continuity plan, please CLICK HERE or contact us for more information.