(03) 8605 4870
Level 14, 333 Collins Street, Melbourne, VIC 3000
An Earthquake happens every day in Australia are you prepared?

Recently Victoria experienced an Earthquake which certainly gave us all a shakeup.  What most people don’t realise is, Australia experiences earthquakes daily.  Luckily, we only feel them twice a year when they are sizeable. With that in mind, how do you prepare your business for a natural disaster? Action plans, staff training, data management and emergency supplies are all important things to consider, but when it comes to your insurance cover, you may need to review your policy limits as well as coverage options when protecting your business.

If you would like to understand how to adequately prepare for and what to do after a natural disaster as well as how you can protect your business from natural disasters, please click here to read more, or feel free to contact us.